
Tuesday 8 November 2016

CSI (Community service Initiative)

Semester 6 Year 3

 (Introduction to CSI)

On the first day of class, our lecturer who is responsible for this class brief the students on the particular subjects and activities needed to be completed within this semester.
With a total number of min 20-30 hour needed to be completed by the students for the community service. The choices were given to students to choose on which community service they will be participating. There were two organisation, the old folks home and the disable.Location of the place were brief from the lecturer during class hour. We were also brief on what to do for each organisation. The task for old folks home were to design the interior and the exterior of the old folks home, while the disable are to hold a fund rising and to design a product for the organisation.


(Group Discussion)

Students were given the choice to choose on which organisation they were to participate. As for me i have decided to join the disable organisation (PERSATUAN PEMULIHAN ORANG-ORANG CACAT SELANGOR).

As for students who join the disable organisation group, they were divided into groups of 2 with 8 members in each group. The first group were to design a product for the organisation and later on this product will be sold and donated to the organisation. The second group were to sell the bags that were already made by the disable people in the organisation. 

As for me, i was in the financial group which is to start a fund rising event. The product that we will be selling is bags made by the residence in PPOC. 
That day the 8 members had a group discussion on what to do and when to start the charity event. We also called a few malls, such as publika and amcorp mall to ask if we can book a place to do the charity. We had also note down on important contacts and dates in order for us to keep track. 

(Designing of campaign logo and proposal)

We decided to come out with a campaign logo for this charity.

Sticker printed of the Organisation logo when a customer purchase a product.

TOTES FOR FUND basically means bags for charity. A straightforward message and soft colors used in the logo in order to deliver the message to the society. We have also come up with a proposal of the projects before visiting to the disable organisation. The proposal is to show the staff in PPOC a summary of the projects and on how we can contribute on helping them.  

(Visiting the organisation (PPOC))

On the 1st of October we visited the PPOC organisation to see the surrounding and to also present the purpose of the project to the management. The organisation was located in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 10 min drive from Taylors University. We met with Ms. Amy who was one of the staff in PPOC and presented to her the proposal. Thankfully she was very pleased with the proposal and are happy to have us helping them. 

(Visiting Amcorp Mall)

The group has decided to go for amcorp mall instead as it is the best strategy and has reasonable price as amcorp mall provide a flee market every Saturday and Sunday. One of our group members Erin, went to amcorp mall to meet the management and asked on the prices and documents needed in order to booked a venue for this charity.That day Erin has provided us with contact number of Mr. Ridzuan the staff of Amcorp mall management and information on layout of the space. We would like to thank Erin for going forth and back Taylors and Amcorp. That weekend itself, one of our group members Fauzalina went to view the flee market that was happening in amcorp. Suprisingly there were alot of people during Saturday and Sunday.

(2nd Visit to PPOC)

The 2nd visit to PPOC were to collect the bags from the organisation. Me, Fauza and Annabel went during our day off to collect and choose on the bags that will be sold during the charity. Besides bags, we have also chosen a few hand towels and pouches.

(Registering of Space)

Two members, Fauza and Annabel went to Amcorp management building to register on the space for the charity event. One of the rules is to bring the products for first time registration. Since we have collected those bags from PPOC, Fauza and Annabel brought a few samples to show to the management. At first they have booked the date on 29th & 30th of October but since it falls on the semester break most of us cannot make it. In order for every member to participate in this charity Me, Fauza and Annabel decided to come back to re-register the dates which falls on 5th & 6th of October as everyone is available on that date. 

(Charity Day)

Since there were 8 members in a group, we divided ourself into 4 by 4 on each day to take care of the booth. On the day of charity, we came early at around 9:30 a.m to set up the bags. We felt nervous on first day of charity as it is our first time. The very first customer who came and bought our bags was an Indian lady who was an artisan on glass painting. She had her booth a few booth away from us. We are glad that she is friendly and decided to buy 2 bags from us. That day our lecturer of this module even came with her daughters to support us in this charity. A total number of 10 products sold on the first day of the event with a total RM 156 made on the first day. 
  • 4 bags 
  • 4 pouches 
  • 2 hand towels 

On the 2nd day of charity our booth was set in a different place. Just like the first day we came early to set up the booth. Since its a Sunday, its crowded. We manage to sell 11 products as on that day with a total RM 145.
  • 4 pouches 
  • 5 bags
  • 2 hand towels 

Total on both day we have made RM 336. Although this might not be alot but we are glad that at least we manage to sell some products on both days. AFter the end of this charity myself and Annabel went to the organisation to hand over the money and also return on the products that wasn't been sold.

(Observation And Knowledge Gained)

Through out the whole process of this charity, i have gain experience in many ways. I have never been involve in any community service .As this is my first time, i have taken up alot of courage to make this charity happen. I have learned that everyone of us in this world is unique in their own way. When i visited the PPOC organisation, i realized that i should be thankful that i am in a healthy states. Though the residence in PPOC may be lacking in many ways, they are train by the organisation such as making bags and even on packaging. This shows that they are willing to learn and make changes in their life. During the charity event i have also learn that communication plays an important role. In order for us to sell the bags, we need to communicate with the customers and not to forget on attitude as well. I would like to thank my group members for participating and giving their very best for this charity event.Without a good teamwork this charity event will not be a success. Overall it was a really good experience as i have alot of fun during this charity.

Saturday 26 December 2015

Interior Design Project

Year 2 Semester 4

Children's Interactive Library

Inspired from dance move like ballet

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Interior design project 3

Year 2 semester 4

Second project before going to our final project.

For the second project we work in groups to built the exisiting building for our final project which is to design an interactive library for children. The site for this semester's project is perpustakaan 1Malaysia in selangor.

Final project still in progress and will be exhibited in the DBKL December 7th 2015

Thursday 8 October 2015

Furniture Design

Year 2 Semester 4 week 6/7

First project to built a coffee table for 4/5 star hotels.

Sketches of ideas.

Intro to design 3

Year 2 Semester 4 week 5

Submission/presentation day for the project play scape and also the submission for the exploration project which is the Toy.
The design of the playscape come from the word climb,crawl and adventure.
Materials such as Stainless steel,ropes,polyurethane and fiber glass are used for the safety of children.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Interior Design Project 3

Year 2 Semester 4 Week 2

In this semester for IDP is to design an interactive library for children BUT.. before that there will be three stages that we have to go through in order to design the library.

In the first week of the class we were brief by our lectures about the projects that we will be doing for the whole 16 weeks.

The first stage was to make a toy.
As for me i have choosen the Russian wooden dolls.

From there i have modified the toys into a more educational toy.Using shapes and numbers for children to play with it.

Next is to create a mind map.
I have created a mind map of words related to the word PLAY and have chosen the word Climb and Crawl as the word that will be used for my concept.

Below here are the progress of my work before the final submission for stage 1 

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Detailing and Working drawings


Its finally the end of semester 3..and the last subject and assignment has been submitted on the 14th July..

below here are a few pictures of my detailing assignment for the hide out cafe that i have been designing for the Interior design 2 subject.

Existing plan 

Setting out plan 

Furniture layout plan

Reflected ceiling plan (rcp)

section x-x
water supply 

Electrical plan 

Detailing drawing