
Monday 23 December 2013

Exhibition in CODA gallery

What's your square exhibition falls on the 12th of november 2013.Together with our juniors we set up everything on the 11th.

Friday 20 December 2013

Music Painting

On the 17th of December,for 2Dimensional design we are told to bring two canvases of 50cm x 60cm and 60cm by 90cm.On that day we are going to paint on the canvases with material we have brought such as Acrylic paint,watercolour and also poster colour.This session is called Music Painting because we were painting while listening to music that were suggested by our classmates.For the first drawing i drew a girl to represent me.The girl(me) was lying down,covered with flowers.In this drawing i wanted to express how i felt during the whole foundation.After all the tiring assignments i finally got to relax.Painting while listening to music is a very good way to release our stress and worries.The next painting were painted while we were listening to classical music.Instead of listening to just one music such as rock,R&B and Ballad,which we had done for the first painting we had choosen classical music to paint for the second painting.For the second painting I drew sky,grass and Soil.In this painting i don't really knows what i am doing because i was going with the flow of the music.While painting with classical music i am so relief and relax.The wanted of freedom that is almost there.

Below here are the paintings i did on that day.

Painting done by Fid friends

Painting done by Fid friends

Saturday 7 December 2013


What is batik?
A method (originally used in Java) of producing coloured designs on textiles by dyeing 
them, having first applied wax to the parts to be left undyed.

On the 29th of november ,Our lecturer brought us to a batik factory together with our juniors.We were divided into 4 groups and each group have their theme.For my group, We were inspired by a Alice in wonderland.Instead of using the whole concept about Alice in wonderland we decided to just design the DRESSES.My group member which is Me,Hidayah,Fauza and Farah design our own dresses.For Fauza she has choosen the Japanese 'kimono' and later,she design it with flowers pattern on it and have choosen her dress to be in sky blue colour.For Hidayah,She design her dress with a bunny and coloured them with dark blue and puple.As for farah she design her dress base on the europian style.She had choosen light colours like peace and orange for her dress and last but not least for mine i have choosen the korean traditional dress which is called 'Hanbok'.I design my dress with ribbon on the side.I have choosen Dark pink and turqoise for my dress.Overall it was a great experience on that day.We get to to know about our juniors and also we got to learn about how it works to make batik.

Hidaya"s Design

Farah's Design
Fauza's Design
My Design
group picture

Thursday 31 October 2013

Monograms 3

Here are some items with my monograms on it.
I use spray,sharpie markers and fabric paint.

Colour combination mostly pink and yellow..why PINK AND YELLOW?
Since i was a kid,yellow has become my favourite colour.The colour yellow, shows the happy personality i have and also the tomboyish style i dress.While the colour pink shows part of me being girly and dress girly. 







Saturday 19 October 2013

Monograms 2

So after drawing some sketches, i went to the library and borrowed some books to get inspiration.After looking alot of pictures from the book i borrowed, i figure out that i actually likes Retro style.

Here are some of the pictures i took.

The 5050 logo is one of my favourite.If you look at it carefully the number "0" kind of looks like the ying and yang.What attracts me the most is the Retro style that were used in the logo..Not only that the combination of both colour shows my characteristics of 50% girly and 50% tomboyish.

"Dez mona" is also another example that inspired me.By looking at this picture it give you the feel of jazz music.Not only that the lines has given movement into the word and it also gives a peaceful feeling into it.

The ark is the third logo that has inspired me.It has the retro syle in it.The solid and lines graphics that attracts me the most.

Monday 14 October 2013


So what is monogram?

monogram is a motif made by overlapping or combining two or more letters or other graphemes  to form one symbol.

Our 2D's lecturer told us to made our own monogram for todays class. This assignment is actually pretty fun. Our lecturer gaves us a few examples of monograms before we get started into making and designing our own monogram.She even gave us an example of monograms that belong to our seniors.

Here are a few examples of monograms that was given by our lecturer.

So here are some of my designs.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Whats your square?

Whats your square?

For those out there,you may think that a square is just a square but for Us,as designs students our square can be romantic,mean,happy,monsters,and many more.So,I have this assignment to make my square.My square has a theme of cartoon characters.For this assignment we have to make two types of square which symmetrical and asymmetrical.Base on my understanding symmetrical has the same all around and asymmetrical are different on each side.In symmetrical and asymmetrical both must have a feeling of balance in the design created.In my point of view, asymmetrical is allitle bit harder because an asymmetrical design will,by its nature,consist of shapes which are not alike.Not only that,the design has to be strong enough to stand up to scrutiny from all angles.So here are some picture of my work.

This is my first try in doing this assignment.
This is the design for asymmetrical
this is the design for symmetrical

Sunday 22 September 2013

The floating Exhibition

Still working....

This picture shows us collecting some recycle materials for making the lanterns.Every one came down to help and carry them up to the studio

Here are some of our designs for the lanterns.The one with the animals design belongs to mine.
Here is a picture of our work being transfered using the black ink that we has.
As you can see from the first picture above we collects some recycle materials to make lanterns and here is a picture showing the progress on making the lanterns.

While making the lanterns,We really had a great time with our friends.