
Saturday 4 April 2015

Detailing & Working Drawings


Pheewww i am already in my second year of degree...i guess time do flies really fast.Anyway we have this class called detailing & working drawings for this semester and the first task we are asked to do was designing the cover of our sketchbook.
And that is what i came up with

well moving what we learn in class during the first lecture.
SO first of all what is the difference between Detailing & Working Drawings?

Well basically Detailing conveys as much information about a single component while Working drawings are not so detailed.

NEXT is the Title Block.

The title block that consists of 
#1 Revision/Note
#2 Project title
#3 Drawing title 
#4 Compay's detail
#5 Date,Scale,Drawingby,Approved by,Drawing number
#6 Copyright,project by.

The next thing we were told to divide into groups which consits of 4members in each group.were asked to pick a furniture and later we had to draw it out with measurements.

This is US while trying to assign task to each members.

AND This is what we came out with...

So after all this drawing, we were told to present it in the class and with the help of ourclassmates we were able to find out mistakes that was made in the drawings itself.

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